Armeijoiden tehtävät edellyttävät korkeaa valmiutta ja toimintakykyä. Yhdysvaltain armeija on laatinut kokonaisen kehittämisohjelman armeijan toimintakyvyn, resilienssin, kehittämiseksi. Ohessa kehittämisohjelman tiivistelmä.
"Resilience is the mental, physical, emotional, and behavioral ability to face and cope with adversity, adapt to change, recover, learn, and grow from temporary setbacks.
Resilience is produced by a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics found in individuals and groups that are either innate or can be taught and improved through education and training.
The endstate for the campaign is achieved when the Army’s culture has embraced resilience as part of our profession and as a key and critical component to readiness.
The Ready and Resilient Campaign seeks to create a change in how the Army currently defines readiness and total Soldier fitness. This will require changes in the way the Army recruits, assesses, trains, and develops its Soldiers and Civilians in the future. These collective changes will contribute to an Army culture where Soldiers and Civilians are viewed holistically and readiness is assessed in a comprehensive manner.
Leaders demonstrate and promote resilience by setting the example, encouraging help-seeking behavior, and by remaining actively engaged with their Soldiers, Families, and Civilians. Our leaders must first reflect on and understand their own levels of resilience, and then learn how to assess and build resilience in their people.
Our efforts are focused toward building stronger and more resilient Soldiers, Families, and Civilians and enhancing individual and unit readiness now and in the future."
Read more: The United States Army’s Ready and Resilient Campaign 1/2013.
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